Full Name: Julie Mogan
Company: Excello Law
Job Title: Regional Director
What does your business do: We provide legal services to our amazing clients and a great platform for our lawyers to thrive in.
Where Can We Find You: Everywhere! We have 11 National offices.
Your Twitter Handle: @MoganJulie
Company Twitter Handle: @ExcelloLaw
Your Insta: juliemogan
Company Insta: excellolaw
Company Website: excellolaw.co.uk
Favourite sports team: Liverpool FC and any that my sons or husband are playing for.
Favourite Book: The Untethered Soul by Michael A.Singer.
Favourite Band/Artist/Song: Red Rum Club – Honey.
Favourite Restaurant: A great little bistro in our village called Cornichon.
Favourite Holiday Destination: The English Lakes and Croatia
Top 6 Dinner Party Guests (Dead or Alive): Frank Mc Nally (my grandad), Bill Shankly, Jurgen Klopp my two sons (so they could meet my lovely grandad, Shankley and Klopp) and Sadhguru.
Celebrity Crush: Robson Green (don’t mock me- it’s the eyes).
Last social media post: Frank “Fewmin” (my dog- not named after Frank Mc Kenna despite his claims)

My proudest / best business moment is/was… Becoming the first female and youngest ever equity partner in a male dominated traditional law firm in the 90s.
My advice for 18-year-old me would be… travel as much as you can, get enough sleep and ignore negative people.
My personal business hero(es) is/are… the late Tim Bacon – Living Ventures.
Our company is… a friendly, collaborative and disruptive law firm business model ,which is why I am passionate about it.