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Who Are Yer? – Stuart Capstick

This weeks Who Are Yer? is Legal Director at Glenville Walker & Partners, Stuart Capstick.

Full Name: Stuart Capstick
Company: Glenville Walker Solicitors
Job Title: Legal Director

What does your business do: Help businesses at every stage from inception, incorporation, growth phase, M&A, through to exit planning; all property matters and any litigation needs or challenges that arise on that journey.

Where can we find you: I’m accused of being everywhere but the office is at The Century Building, Brunswick Business Park on the river – 5 minutes into town and plenty of parking.
Your Twitter Handle: @TheDoorsRising
Company Twitter Handle: @GlenvilleWalker
Your Insta: @TheDoorsRising
Company Insta: @GlenvilleWalkerandPartners
Company Website:

Favourite sports team: Not really a sports fan but growing up I was vaguely an LFC supporter having the white Crown Paints away kit in the 80s and that controversial one in the 90s that looked blueish in photos. It was green.
Favourite Book: Any biographies/autobiographies. Fascinated by the lives we lead.
Favourite Band/Artist/Song: Too many but I have to say The Doors – Shamans Blues.
Favourite Restaurant / eat-out: Usually anything I can’t cook myself – Thai.
Favourite Holiday destination: Greece, but annual trip to Cornwall – Piratey!
Top 5 people dinner party guests, dead or alive: 1.Tony Curtis, 2. Ray Manzarek, 3. Obligatory Stephen Fry, 4. Jim Morrison, 5. Be good to have a meal with my dad again.
Celebrity crush: Catherine Zeta Jones will forever hold a place in my heart.
Last social media post: Me having a relaxing lie down last weekend in Scotland.

Versus me – this coming weekend

My proudest / best business moment is/was… winning a tender for a small, national union whilst working at a firm with no prior union link.
My advice for 18-year-old me would be… stop worrying about what everyone thinks and get on with it.
My personal business hero(es) is/are… Howard Hughes, Richard Branson.
Our company is… A small, vastly experienced collection of talented, authentic, lawyers who daily are solving the legal needs and challenges of businesses large and small.

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