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DIB Meets… Avrenim

  • by chris

Downtown in Business boss Frank McKenna chats with CEO of Avrenim Group, Simon Harris.

HPC to Sponsor Miss Teen Liverpool

  • by chris

HPC are delighted to announce that they will be sponsoring the recently awarded Miss Teen Liverpool as she competes in the Miss Teen Great Britain Final on Sunday.

DIB Meets… Nugent, Krol Corlett & Butterworth Spengler

  • by chris

Downtown in Business boss Frank Mckenna caught up with Joanne Henney, CEO at Nugent, Simon Krol, Director at Krol Corlett Construction and James Jaycock, Insurance Broker at Butterworth Spengler to discuss what and who Nugent are.

Cleverly for now

  • by chris

Jim reviews yet another turbulent Tory conference and suggests James Cleverly is the best of a poor bunch to lead the Opposition.