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A week in America | 23 April 2021

  • by chris

Martin Liptrot shares the US view on the failed Super League proposal. The 12 ‘breakaway’ clubs may have lost this initial battle, but this war is going to rage on.

Good things happen sometimes

  • by chris

It is the biggest round of local elections ever in the North West with county elections running alongside polls in Greater Manchester and Merseyside for the first time. Will Boris Johnson benefit from his vaccine bounce and how will Labour’s Keir Starmer come through his first test? Jim marks your card.

Bank of England to open new Leeds hub

  • by chris

The Bank of England has followed the Treasury in announcing its plans to move some of its team out of London to crate a new northern hub in Leeds.

Can Football ‘Build Back Better’?

  • by chris

The calling out of the ‘Dirty Dozen’ and their attempts to set up a European Super League may have been right – but there was a whiff of hypocrisy and a healthy springling of self-interest in some of the criticism. Much more than stopping this elitist project needs to be done to rescue ‘the beautiful game’ according to Downtown boss Frank McKenna.


  • by chris

As Birmingham Airport prepares to welcome back customers, it has achieved the Airport Health Accreditation for its commitment to health and hygiene best practise from the Airports Council International (ACI).