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General Election only hope for Remain

This week Jim comes out in favour of a General Election as the only way of stopping Brexit, the case for which is strengthened after publication of the Withdrawal Bill. However, he admits it would be a gamble for a weak Labour Party.

PM to miss his deadline leaving the UK deadlocked

This week Frank McKenna reflects on another turbulent week for the government and Brexit as PM Johnson looks set to miss his 31st October deadline – but our CEO isn’t expecting Boris to ‘die in a ditch’ anytime soon.

Lancashire Business Day 2019

  • by chris

Join Lancashire Business View to celebrate Lancashire and meet business leaders from across the county! If you’re #Lancashireandproud this event is not to be missed!

Boris deal and huge challenges for Labour

  • by chris

As a Brexit deal is put to MPs, Jim focuses on the Labour Party. Can Jeremy Corbyn prevent a revolt of his MPs who want a deal when his leadership has just had a mighty blow from resigning MP Louise Ellman?

Tweets of the Week | 18.10.2019

  • by chris

Here is a selection of our favourite tweets from the past 7 days. This week’s tweets feature @catherinebohart, @nishakatona, @downtownfrank, @dib_chris and @simondanczuk.

The Party’s Over

As another high-profile MP quits the party and they slip 15 points behind the Tories in the polls, Frank Mckenna questions the future prospects of Labour in his latest blog.

Culture takes centre stage at Downtown London events

  • by chris

Downtown in Business in association with London First hosted an exclusive dinner in the capital where Liverpool City Region mayor Steve Rotheram addressed a group of thirty business leaders from across the city.