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Changing the face of Coventry City Centre

  • by chris

Coventry is currently transforming its city centre through major mixed-use schemes and delivery of key strategic projects such as City Centre South and Eastern Green, as well as developing and delivering wider commercial development opportunities, infrastructure projects and public realm schemes.

Aspall Terrace at The Club House

The Club House on Chavasse Park have teamed up with Aspall to bring create the Aspall Terrace Takeover, transforming an exclusive section of our garden into a premium summer terrace.

Tweets of the Week | 23.08.2019

  • by chris

Here is a selection of our favourite tweets from the past 7 days. This week’s tweets feature @mikeydixon32, @paulycorc and @sachinnakrani.

Question marks over HS2

Should HS2 be scrapped and the money spent on Northern Powerhouse Rail? Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham wants both, but Jim Hancock asks if that is realistic.

Merkel offers Johnson – Nowt!

Frank McKenna reflects on the PMs trip to Germany and bemoans the Remainers failure to agree a strategy that will avoid a ‘Crash Out’ Brexit in his latest Downtown blog.