Energy Performance Certificate warning for landlords
Private landlords are being warned of the importance of making sure their properties meet new energy efficiency standards, or face a fine.
Private landlords are being warned of the importance of making sure their properties meet new energy efficiency standards, or face a fine.
Dynamic, thought-leading business owners are failing to include a business lasting power of attorney in their crisis management preparations, a leading solicitor has claimed.
A loan fund set up to support West Midlands businesses has reached a new milestone.
Jim analyses the twin-track approach that could deliver a No Deal Brexit and a Tory majority before the candles go out on the Haloween pumpkins.
The largest and most important pizza festival in the country is back on Saturday 14th September at Quantum.
Looking back at the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day landing a few months ago, it reminded me of the huge changes that have happened to Birmingham and more specifically the Birmingham city centre property market since WW2.
Frank Mckenna returns to his hobby horse of Brexit in his latest blog: On the eve of the Premier League season I thought it was appropriate to use a football analogy, so I told the BBC “A No Deal Brexit is like telling a Liverpool supporter that they are losing Jurgen Klopp and Sam Allardyce is coming in. So, they won’t be relegated, but they’ll lose more than they win and it won’t be nice to watch.”
Eager heritage fans can now begin planning as the tremendous list of over 100 Birmingham Heritage Week events has launched and can be found at
Lancashire has a jam-packed summer with amazing events for all to enjoy and the best part is they are all FREE.
Acorns Children’s Hospice has announced Mayor of the West Midlands, Andy Street as a Patron of its urgent Save Acorns Black Country Hospice Appeal.
Following an 8 year-long partnership, B&M Waste and AWS Recycling have now taken the natural next steps by the acquisition by B&M Waste of the like-minded West-Midlands family business AWS’s trade waste business.
Office lighting is a necessity but when incorporated into a well-designed workplace, it can be utilised to improve wellbeing too. Downtown in Business talk to Andrew Hobson from Blueprint Interiors to get the low down on what’s good and bad about office lighting.