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DIB property & regeneration conference 2023

Downtown in Business hosted its second annual national Property & Regeneration conference earlier this month at the Edgbaston Stadium, Birmingham.

Downtown in Business hosted its second annual national Property & Regeneration conference earlier this month at the Edgbaston Stadium, Birmingham.

Industry leaders and decision- makers from across the country addressed the event which was sponsored by HybridTec, Atkins Global, Bruntwood, Be.EV, Langtree and Wire Regeneration.

Among the contributors to the conference were Lord Michael Heseltine, the West Midlands Mayor Andy Street, the leaders of Birmingham and Leeds City Councils, Ian Ward and James Lewis, and the CEOs of the City of Wolverhampton Council and Salford City Council, Tim Johnson and Tom Stannard.

DIB Group chair and chief executive Frank McKenna said:

“It was a wonderful day of ideas and discussion. Despite all the challenges that we are well aware of, there was a determination among delegates and the speakers to take a glass-half-full approach to the debates, and look for solutions, simply than focussing on the problems.

“I think everyone would agree that Lord Heseltine stole the show – event at 89-years-young, he is a powerful and convincing speaker – whilst the panel sessions were first rate, and Andy Street showed why many consider him the be the country’s most effective mayor.

“We are grateful to all of those who contributed, to the delegates, and most particularly our sponsors. We are busy planning next years event, details of which will be revealed in the near future.”

Video production by @TheGuideLiverpool

Further details about Talking ‘Bout Regeneration 2024 will be announced soon.

Read the full report from the conference HERE.

Downtown in Business