Words: Chris Wilcox
Head of Communications, Downtown in Business
“Wee Wee”….. “Wee Wee”.
Chris Wilcox, 11pm. EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
Those aren’t the words they say you will be repeating nightly at 11pm to try and get your puppy to go the toilet before bed. But alas, that is what is happening.
I suppose these staff blogs are designed to give a greater insight into the people behind DIB and allow us to tell our stories and offer opinions on current events. Well current events are still a bit of a sh*tshow (although getting better, the less said about the news of the vaccine shortage the better) so I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce the world to the latest member of the DIB family.
Meet Arthur

Don’t let that cute face fool you. Sure, on the whole he’s very well behaved all things considered (I’ll get to that a bit later), but as mentioned in the opening remarks at 11pm when he’s refusing to go the toilet and therefore sleep, he’s not so cute.
But you know what, after only being here three weeks, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Look at me, I sound like a new parent, and in a way, I guess I am. Oh, dear lord, I appear to be growing up.
So, let me tell you a bit more about Arthur.
Arthur’s Journey
My partner and her family are animal nuts. And until recently, with both of us working full time, having a pet just was not a viable option. But after the past 12 months, in which the world of work has dramatically changed, finally it seemed like an opportunity had presented itself.
My partner’s work has made it clear that they will been implementing a flexible working solution going forward (2/3 days in office, 2/3 days at home) and at DIB we have always had the flexibility to have an admin day or two a week at home. So finally, the stars seemed to align and we decided to get a pet.
Now, I being all new to this pet situation, didn’t know where to start, but luckily my partner was already following a pet rescue charity on Facebook and knew exactly what to do.
So, after a few days/nights of looking on Facebook, we spotted our beloved Arthur. A five month old cross breed rescue, who was found running about in traffic whilst living on the streets of Romania with his Mum, Dad and Brother.
Some amazing people managed to rescue the family and they are all now safely living with their own loving families in the UK.
I can’t thank the amazing people from New Moon Romanian Dog Rescue enough. An amazing bunch of volunteers who use their spare time to look after and organise getting all these stray dogs loving families here in the UK. That’s enough of the shameless plugging.
When I think of all that little Arthur has been through in only a short space of time (five months is nothing really is it, we’ve been in lockdown longer) I’m amazed that the only real issues we have are the aforementioned ‘Wee Wee’ problem and his reluctance to go on walks without both me and my partner.
And so, this is what my blog/thinly veiled look at how cute my dog is post really comes down to is do any other dog lovers out there have any suggestions/tips/advice? How can we get him to walk with just one of us?
With that, I feel, like I have become one of those friends, who do nothing but tell you how great their child is, when really all you want to do is have a pint in a pub (remember those) with them and chat about football/tv/life.
Time to wrap up this blog post with one final plug.
I told you about my partner being pet mad right? Well, she went the whole hog and created Arthur his own Instagram account. Give it a follow if you like, if not he won’t really know will he.
Take care everyone and stay safe, one day we will all be able to go for a walk in the park with more than one person and you know what you might just bump into us.
New Moon Romanian Dog Rescue
Arthur The Rommie Rescue