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The rise of Red Wall Tories

Are northern Red Wall Tories about to replace the old guard as the MPs with clout in the Conservative Party? Jim poses the question in the aftermath of the Paterson Affair. He also reports on some great ideas for helping state school pupils suggested at a recent Downtown event.


Who is the Twenty First century Martin Bell?

Could Labour highlight a litany of ‘one rule for them’ Tory disasters by standing aside for an anti-sleaze candidate in the forthcoming North Shropshire By-election? Frank McKenna focusses on another government U-Turn in his latest Downtown blog.


Green jobs chance for North

The climate change debate is mostly cast in negative terms. In this week’s blog Jim looks at the great employment prospects the green revolution can bring to the North West.


A week in America | 29 October 2021

The big talking point across the Atlantic this week is President Biden’s ‘Billionaire’s Proposal’, Martin Liptrot looks at what this will mean for POTUS both domestically and internationally.


Cutting up PM’s credit card

After Business Bashing Boris,the Chancellor is likely to be more supportive of bosses in next week’s Budget according to Jim as he previews what we can expect from Rishi Sunak on Wednesday.


No more lockdowns please

People need to seriously look at the wider implications of lockdowns before campaigning for another period of uber restrictions, argues Frank McKenna in his latest Downtown blog.