Trade our way into Europe
Read this months blog from Downtown London in Business Chairman, Simon Danczuk discussing the impacts of Brexit on the UK, plus the recent JD sports and European trade story.
Read this months blog from Downtown London in Business Chairman, Simon Danczuk discussing the impacts of Brexit on the UK, plus the recent JD sports and European trade story.
Downtown’s, Sarah Wilcox, discusses the future that awaits the noughties babies after almost one year in lockdown.
This week Jim claims there are faults on both sides in the crisis over the Northern Ireland border. He also reports on a robust defence of Northern transport investment during a Downtown Den event this week.
The economy will bounce back, but the other problems that will be left behind by the pandemic will be more difficult for the government to tackle. Read Frank McKenna’s thoughts on Boris’ roadmap and what happens next.
Downtown Finance Director, Ollie Hall, talks us through the current David vs Goliath situation going on between Wall Street and Reddit.
The government have made many mistakes, concludes Jim in his latest blog, as the pandemic death toll passes 100,000. But he wonders if things would have been that different under Labour.
In this weeks Guest Blog, we hear from Director or Pi Sq, Hannah Floyd on how the furniture industry has been affected by the pandemic.
In an article from Simon Danczuk, Chairman of Downtown London in Business, Simon tells us how Ministers each have to take individual accountability for their specific role within the pandemic.
How safe is the car industry in the North West? Jim’s blog this week looks at the pressures of Brexit and the ban on petrol cars on this vital source of skilled jobs in the region.
Its time to start thinking about a Route Map back to normalcy, according to Downtown boss Frank McKenna, who is calling for a timescale for the lifting of restrictions, COVID passports and a refreshed business support package from the government.
In this fast moving world, is it time for businesses to go back to basics? Read this weeks guest blog from Director of Elevate GM, Ilona Alcock.
Project Four Safety Solutions have put together 11 top tips into simple terms for Project CDM in 2021.