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Does Debt Matter?

In his 400th blog for Downtown, Jim asks how the huge bill for Covid-19 is going to be paid for. Some experts say let the deficit take care of itself, but Jim thinks some tax rises are inevitable.


Forensic Keir versus Blusterer Boris

This week Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer came face to face at PMQs for the first time. The dual between the two men will define politics for the next four years. Jim gives his first assessment. He also reviews the appearance in the Downtown Den of the North West’s elected mayors.


Be Prepared

As the government moves towards easing the lockdown, Frank McKenna pleads with them to be better prepared coming out of the crisis than they were going into it.


The Government are managing the crisis badly. Fact.

In his latest blog Frank McKenna explains why giving any government a ‘pass’, even during a crisis, would be an afront to democracy – and outlines why he thinks Boris Johnson and his colleagues are struggling to manage the Coronavirus crisis effectively.


Grimmer and grimmer

Could we be facing a year of Corvid crisis with all its implications for social and business disruption? That’s the fear that Jim expresses this week as he sees few lights at the end of the tunnel. He also speculates what might have happened if David Miliband had become Prime Minister 10 years ago.


Time for a National Government

In his latest blog Frank McKenna suggests that it is time for the government to call in the support of Tony Blair and other former Prime Ministers if they are serious about casting aside party politics in the current crisis.