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Repeat performance by the banks?

This week Jim asks if the banks are going to be the bad boys in this crisis in the same way as they were in 2008? He also assesses the government’s handling of medical issues.


18 moths of virus suppression?

Jim argues that there is some wishful thinking about how long this virus emergency is going to last.He argues that firms and workers should be given cash not loans to avoid a spiral into a serious recesssion.


There is a magic money tree after all

The Tories have found the magic money tree that Theresa May said didn’t exist. But in his Budget review, Jim asks if there is underlying unease in the Tory Party about this dramatic switch from austerity to a bonanza of spending.


Budget might get the virus

Will “events” prevent the Chancellor from launching an ambitious Budget next week at the start of the Johnson era? Jim also reports on how the towns are fighting back.