Raise your game Lisa!
This week Jim gives firm backing to Lisa Nandy in the Labour leadership race. However he acknowledges that the Wigan MP has ground to make up to defeat the frontrunners.
This week Jim gives firm backing to Lisa Nandy in the Labour leadership race. However he acknowledges that the Wigan MP has ground to make up to defeat the frontrunners.
In his first blog of the new decade, Downtown boss Frank McKenna glances back at a tumultuous ten years and attempts some tentative crystal ball gazing for the next ten years.
Jim says this needs to be the year when Minister’s are held to their promises on real investment and devolution for the Northern Powerhouse.
In his last blog of the year, Jim looks back on the most turbulent decade ever in British politics. It began with Gordon Brown determined to make Labour the natural party of power and ended with it looking unlikely they will ever be in power again.
This week Frank McKenna reflects on the Labour Party’s decade of decline – and warns that only a change of direction can save it from oblivion over the next ten years.
In his final Downtown Monthly blog for 2019, Downtown Political Editor, Jim Hancock explores what the result of the 2019 General Election might have in store.
Frank McKenna pays tribute to the Labour Party’s huge contribution to Boris Johnson’s landslide General Election victory in his post-election blog.
Jim gives his comprehensive review of the General Election result. He concludes the debate over our membership of the EU is over for a generation. He also asks if now is not the time for the splintered Left to engage in brave strategic thinking, when is?
Jim reflects on the difficult decision facing Remainers next week but believes it must be a vote for Labour to stop Brexit.
Read Jim’s blog for a comprehensive analysis of the key battleground seats in the North West. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture for Labour who are switching tactics to try and shore up their position in the region.
The more likely a Tory victory becomes, the more chance Labour has of winning back voters who have deserted them in Leave seats, so argues Downtown boss Frank McKenna in his latest blog. He also slams the BBCs election campaign coverage.
The Polar Express is one of the most enigmatic, beautiful books that every child has wanted to jump into. Now with Vintage Trains, you can!