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Lib Dem leadership to address DIB Members

Cllr Carl Cashman, and Lord Mike Story will be the special guests at a Downtown in Business Leaders Lunch on Thursday 14th November.

The leader of the Liberal Democrat group on Liverpool City Council, Cllr Carl Cashman, and Lord Mike Storey, who was the council leader from 1998 to 2005, and famously secured Liverpool’s 2008 European Capital of Culture title, will be the special guests at a Downtown in Business Leaders Lunch on Thursday 14th November.

DIB Group chairman and CEO Frank McKenna will be talking to the LIB Dem leaders about the city’s regeneration during Storey’s reign, their hopes for the future of Liverpool, and their party’s recent success at the General Election.

Frank McKenna said:

“There is no doubt that Mike Story was one of the most significant leaders in our city’s history. His administration was responsible for the delivery of Liverpool One, the European Capital of Culture, and the arena.

“I am very much looking forward to speaking to Carl and Mike – who is now back on the council- about their reflections on that positive period in Liverpool’s recent past – and their ambitions for the future of the city.”

To book your tickets for this event please CLICK HERE.

Downtown in Business