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What are our railways here for?

Simon Danczuk, business consultant and former MP, shares his thoughts on the recent DIB London dinner with Anit Chandarana, Lead Director for the Great British Railways Transition Team, and Lord Andrew Adonis, former Secretary of State for Transport.


DIB CEO appears on GB News

Downtown in Business CEO and Group Chairman, Frank McKenna was invited once again onto the GB News channel to discuss the latest news from across the country.


Laing O’Rourke

We are delighted that Laing O’Rourke are our Business of the Month for June 2022. Laing O’Rourke is an international engineering and construction company delivering state-of-the-art infrastructure and buildings projects for clients in the UK, Middle East and Australia.


Were we all hoodwinked over lockdowns?

DIB boss Frank Mckenna asks: Could a more common sense, less draconian approach to the pandemic have been adopted? Could the catastrophic impact on the economy, kids education and mental health have been avoided? Certainly, from what Sue Gray tells us, the staff at 10 Downing Street don’t appear to have seen COVID as the deadly virus they had us believe.


Mersey Power Towns Review

Hazel Walker, Chief Executive of specialist business law firm, Glenville Walker and Partners, gives her thoughts on our recent Mersey Power Towns event.