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The disappearance of Miss Bebb

A conference on the future of women in the Law and a celebrity reading of Alex Giles’ play inspired by the case of Bebb v. The Law Society

Starting at 13:00, a conference on ‘The future of women in the law’ including guest speakers: Lord Judge (former Lord Chief Justice), Linden Ife (practicing barrister with Enterprise Chambers), Eileen Schofield Chairwoman of the Board, Birmingham Law Society.

Starting at 18:00, a celebrity reading of Alex Giles’ play inspired by the case of Bebb v. The Law Society staring Martin Shaw, Laura Main and Honeysuckle Weeks, directed by Joe Harmston.

From 1pm
Sun 21st Oct 2018 University of Birmingham £60 Combined ticket
£40 Play reading only Concessions available Tickets:


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