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Come on down and learn how to be your happiest self at The Festival of Happiness!
Festival of Happiness is back by high demand for the second year in a row at The New Bingley Hall on 29th June!
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The event is a full-day happiness extravaganza for anyone and everyone! Come along if you are already happy, want to learn how to spread the message of happiness further, or looking for pointers to be your happiest self.
This event is also useful if you are interested in happiness within the workplace or in education as many of the speakers are experts in considering how to bring happiness and wellbeing into schools and workplaces.
Image: MI PHAM
The event has some fantastic speakers and is not for profit raising funds for Spreading the Happiness, a charity feeding families in poverty during the school holidays, and providing food hampers to homeless shelters.
The speakers cover a range of topics from personal happiness, to happiness in children and education, happiness professionally, and happiness within a company:
Dr Andy Cope is one of the founders of Festival of Happiness. He has spent twelve years researching positive psychology, wellbeing and human flourishing and has a PhD from Loughorough University. He is a sought-after keynote speaker as well as a best-selling children’s author. He will share some simple philosophies, thinking and techniques that he’s learned along his interesting, varied career as well as sharing the information gained from his research. Andy believes in ‘personal remembering’ which he says is, we all know, deep down, the secrets of happiness, but the world conspires to make us forget. Join Andy and remember how to be at your most joyfu.
Shonette Bason-Wood was born in her own words ‘too happy’! She is an educator, author and comedian. She has created programmes for schools including Dough Disco, and has written many books concerning children’s happiness and well-being. If you are interested in children’s development, how education is responding to well being, or if you just want a good laugh, Shonette is one to watch.
Paul McGee is one of the UK’s leading speakers on the subject of workplace relationships and motivation. His provocatively titled book SUMO (Shut Up, Move On) is a Sunday Times best seller and his book on Self Confidence reached number one in the WHSmith’s business book chart. He has appeared on BBC TV and radio as an expert. He offers his insights on how to be happy in both your personal and professional life.
Richard Gerver is an innovator, educator, advisor and best-selling author. He is known for his work on leadership and argues that a leader is someone who serves the needs of the people that work for them and rely upon them. The three core principles that underpin Gerver’s philosophy are: communication, empowerment, and impact. Gerver’s insights stem from his own journey from being a struggling actor also working as a real-estate agent and copywriter, to become an award-winning school principal, author, award-winning speaker, and an advisor to corporate organisations.
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