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The online course you need to stabilise, adapt and sustain during Covid-19

Sustain is a 6-week course to stabilise, adapt and sustain your business during crisis. It will help you strengthen your pipeline, rebuild your business plan and create clarity across the business.

Sustain is a 6-week course to stabilise, adapt and sustain your business during crisis. It will help you strengthen your pipeline, rebuild your business plan and create clarity across the business.

The course is free to access and will be delivered online.  It includes:

  • Instant access to other leaders facing the same challenges
  • Online workshops to help you to adapt, build resilience and strengthen strategies
  • Resources and digital workbooks to keep you and your team on track

All course fees for Sustain are covered by the Liverpool City Region Metro Mayor’s Business Growth Package, elements of which are being redirected to support the local business community to recover from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To apply for a place on Sustain, head to

Downtown in Business

Letters to Ministers on EU Alignment

Government needs urgently to hear from British businesses ahead of the summit between Keir Starmer and Ursula Von Der Leyen on 19th May. We would be grateful if you would consider writing privately to members of the Cabinet Office Committee on Europe in support of beneficial alignment on goods and services. 

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