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Prorogation outrage

This week Jim gives his latest views on the Brexit debate, assesses the 11 contenders for the Tory leadership race and wonders if we have learnt all the lessons about D-Day.


Speaker to block no deal exit?

This week Jim reviews British politics in the wake of the European elections and back’s the Speaker’s assertion that Parliament can’t be a bystander while the clock ticks down to a No Deal exit.


It’s the turnout stupid

The Euro Poll will be topped by Nigel Farage – but Frank McKenna warns that low turnout should guard us against reading to much into the election results from Thursday.


No Deal or revoke looms

Tory MPs just can’t wait to get rid of Mrs May,but this week Jim points out that the parliamentary blockage will still stand in the way of the new PM. And talking of blockages, Jim also looks at the devolution stalemate in Lancashire.


A pointless election?

In his latest blog, Frank McKenna suggests that the forthcoming European elections will be a pointless exercise that will have no impact on the Brext debate in Westminster.


Brexit to trump local issues in poll?

This week Jim previews next week’s major round of local elections in the North. There are many important issues facing our Town Halls but, more than is usually the case, this contest will be dominated by national politics. It could be a rough night for the Tories in their rural heartland.


The fading authority of the Referendum

Jim looks at the new Halloween Brexit deadline. He thinks it could lead to the pressure being taken off until another crisis in the autumn. However there is a chance Mrs May could use the threat of European elections to force her deal through after Easter.


The invalid referendum

Jim marvels at the Tories cheek in expecting Labour to bail them out of their Brexit mess. He says Corbyn must insist on a second vote. He has changed his mind on a new referendum as Vote Leave finally accept their fines for law breaking in 2016.


If they can U-turn, why can’t you?

After another tumultuous week in parliament, Frank McKenna argues that only a people’s vote can truly define what the ‘will of the people’ is – and he suggests our ‘special relationship’ with the States may not be that special in the future.