Powerhouse Progress
Henri Murison, Director of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, spoke to a select group of Downtown members at a special event hosted at Opera Grill in Chester city centre.
Henri Murison, Director of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, spoke to a select group of Downtown members at a special event hosted at Opera Grill in Chester city centre.
There was an optimistic tone struck by three eminent speakers at DIB Cheshire’s exclusive ‘Leaders Lunch’ focusing on the future of the county’s marketing strategy and visitor economy.
Nicola Said Commercial Director of Marketing Cheshire to speak at Cheshire Downtown Event.
Stephen Wundke announced for Downtown Cheshire event
Caroline Sanger-Davies announced for Downtown Cheshire event
Steven Broomhead, interim chief executive of Warrington Borough Council discusses ‘Devolution’ and its effect on the North West.
Downtown in Business Cheshire recently hosted a special event at Opera Bar & Grill in Chester. The event entitled ‘Northern Powerhouse Progress’ was lead by Director of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, Henri Murison, who discussed infrastructure, skills & productivity, and innovation.
Downtown in Business Cheshire recently hosted a special event at Opera Bar & Grill in Chester. The event entitled ‘Northern Powerhouse Progress’ was lead by Director of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, Henri Murison, who discussed infrastructure, skills & productivity, and innovation.
The United Kingdom used to have a reputation for being a bit dull but reliable and honourable in the way it conducted its affairs. The