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The destabilising decade

In his last blog of the year, Jim looks back on the most turbulent decade ever in British politics. It began with Gordon Brown determined to make Labour the natural party of power and ended with it looking unlikely they will ever be in power again.


Borders, borders everywhere

Jim has spent the last few days dodging the rain to report on an historic Tory Party gathering in Manchester. Boris Johnson used his first conference to launch his “do or die” bid to get us out of the EU. Jim reflects on the Prime Minister’s plan and on his time spent on the conference fringe.


No Deal or revoke looms

Tory MPs just can’t wait to get rid of Mrs May,but this week Jim points out that the parliamentary blockage will still stand in the way of the new PM. And talking of blockages, Jim also looks at the devolution stalemate in Lancashire.


The fading authority of the Referendum

Jim looks at the new Halloween Brexit deadline. He thinks it could lead to the pressure being taken off until another crisis in the autumn. However there is a chance Mrs May could use the threat of European elections to force her deal through after Easter.


EU deal on March 12th?

This week Jim speculates that the possibility of a People’s Vote or an extension of the Brexit wrangle, might force MPs to back May’s deal on March 12th. He also looks at the skills gap facing digital industries in the North.


Beyond Brexit

Downtown boss Frank McKenna urges business leaders to start thinking about life Beyond Brexit – and what demands we should be making of the new political leaders that emerge from the Brexit shambles.


May’s deal is still in play

Jim reckons the real prospect of MPs forcing a delay in Brexit, could help Mrs May get her deal. He also reveals the vital role of a Polish curfew in the decision to leave the EU!


Time for business to take the gloves off

The business community has been abandoned by politicians. It is time to remind them who creates the wealth and jobs, and demand more support. That is the message from Downtown boss Frank McKenna in his first blog of 2019.


Can May possibly get her deal through?

Against the odds Jim sill thinks Mrs May’s EU deal can prevail in some form. With no agreement on any other options, he forecasts a last minute appeal to Brussels to compromise on the Backstop could see her through eventually.


We’re on the road to nowhere?

In his last blog of the year, Frank McKenna says that neither the government of the opposition have a credible position on Brexit – and he wishes you all a Brexit-free new year.