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Labour Pains

Unless and until Labour abandons Gesture Politics it will fail to win back the millions of votes it lost during the Corbyn and Miliband years, according to DIB boss Frank Mckenna.


Local elections with a national impact

The local elections that take place next week may not be a priority for most of us, and turnout will likely be low. But the results could have huge implications for the future of the country. Frank McKenna explains why.


Can Football ‘Build Back Better’?

The calling out of the ‘Dirty Dozen’ and their attempts to set up a European Super League may have been right – but there was a whiff of hypocrisy and a healthy springling of self-interest in some of the criticism. Much more than stopping this elitist project needs to be done to rescue ‘the beautiful game’ according to Downtown boss Frank McKenna.


Let’s get this party started

As the country prepares to start the long-awaited journey out of lockdown, DIB boss Frank Mckenna tells us why writing off cities is daft; permanently working from home is dumb; and getting the economy singing again is Downtown.


Fade to Grey

Piers Morgan’s departure from GMB was welcomed by many of us. But, in truth, is it further evidence of the erosion of mature debate in our ever -more polarised country?


Short Term Gain

The Chancellors budget was fine as far as it went. But if the UK is going to enjoy a Roaring 20s, Rishi Sunak will have to be more ambitious in his future planning, according to Downtown boss Frank McKenna.


We need a route map out of lockdown

Its time to start thinking about a Route Map back to normalcy, according to Downtown boss Frank McKenna, who is calling for a timescale for the lifting of restrictions, COVID passports and a refreshed business support package from the government.