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They think it’s all over…

Frank Mckenna returns to his hobby horse of Brexit in his latest blog: On the eve of the Premier League season I thought it was appropriate to use a football analogy, so I told the BBC “A No Deal Brexit is like telling a Liverpool supporter that they are losing Jurgen Klopp and Sam Allardyce is coming in. So, they won’t be relegated, but they’ll lose more than they win and it won’t be nice to watch.”


Show me the money

This week Frank McKenna says that it’s not just additional powers our metro mayors need – it’s more cash too.


It’s the turnout stupid

The Euro Poll will be topped by Nigel Farage – but Frank McKenna warns that low turnout should guard us against reading to much into the election results from Thursday.


A plague on both your houses

This week Frank McKenna suggests that we may be witnessing the end of the traditional two-party domination of British politics and he reflects on an incredible week of Champions League football.


The state we’re in

Fed up with Brexit? So is Frank McKenna, so this week he focusses on some of the issues he believes our political leaders should be dealing with in his latest Downtown blog.