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Pointless blame game over deaths

The government have made many mistakes, concludes Jim in his latest blog, as the pandemic death toll passes 100,000. But he wonders if things would have been that different under Labour.

Who Are Yer? // Jack Masham

  • by chris

This week’s ‘Who Are Yer?’ is Jack Masham, Business Development Associate at Western Union Business Solutions.

Business need a radical schools plan to help recovery

  • by chris

The chief executive of Downtown in Business, Frank McKenna, is calling on the government to take urgent action that will enable children who have missed out on nearly a year’s schooling, because of the pandemic, to catch up.

How will Ministers be judged?

  • by chris

In an article from Simon Danczuk, Chairman of Downtown London in Business, Simon tells us how Ministers each have to take individual accountability for their specific role within the pandemic.