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Aviation – The Government must act

  • by chris

Nick Irving; Partner and Head of Aviation Practice, Howgate Sable offers his thoughts on the future of the aviation sector and how the government can help the industry moving forward.

Birmingham Lawyer Recognised as Legal Influencer

Shivaji Shiva, a charity law specialist at award-winning law firm VWV,  has been recognised  with the title ‘Legal Influencer’ by Lexology, an online service providing global legal updates, articles and analysis.

New e-scooter trial launched in Liverpool

  • by chris

The year-long pilot scheme, a joint initiative of Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Liverpool City Council, will see Swedish-based e-scooter company Voi initially bring around 50 of the carbon-neutral vehicles to the city for public hire.

New Year, New Ideas

  • by chris

To celebrate a brand new year (and lets be honest the back of 2020), why not kick off 2021 by bringing your team together with our ‘New Year New ideas’ package.