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EP.49 – Downtown Den: A Tale from TWO Cities

  • by chris

City region metro mayors Andy Burnham and Steve Rotheram spoke passionately about their ‘Build Back Better’ campaign, their briefings with prime minister Boris Johnson and their ambitious plans for the future, despite the tough environment in which we are currently operating.

Who Are Yer? // Stu Wood

  • by chris

Stu Wood from Woodshires tells us his celebrity crush, business heroes and what he enjoys about working from home.

Share your lockdown stories with Birmingham Museums

  • by chris

Birmingham Museums is launching a new collecting project to capture the stories and experiences of Birmingham people who are living through this historic moment during the coronavirus pandemic, so future generations can hear how the country came together to save lives.

Captain Manchester’s Magical Tombola

  • by chris

The next draw of Captain Manchester’s Magical Tombola will take place on Friday 12th June 2020. Captain Manchester’s Magical Tombola is one of Forever Manchester’s main fundraising activities, raising money to fund and support community activity across Greater Manchester.

The next six months and our new financial reality

  • by chris

Western Union Business Solutions know that for companies trading globally a new normality is emerging but what this means for UK businesses and how they should be planning for the next 6 months is still unclear for many.