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Downtown Den #036 | Business Service

  • by chris

Birmingham Chair, Paul Cadman was joined by Stu Wood (Woodshires) Rebecca Simkiss (Simkissguy Recruitment) and Gareth Wilcox (OPUS LLP) in the Downtown Den.

Leader’s Message from Leeds City Council

  • by chris

The Leader of Leeds City Council, Councillor Judith Blake CBE and Chief Executive, Leeds City Council, Tom Riordan CBE have given their latest update on the COVID-19 issues.

Time for a National Government

  • by chris

In his latest blog Frank McKenna suggests that it is time for the government to call in the support of Tony Blair and other former Prime Ministers if they are serious about casting aside party politics in the current crisis.

Who Are Yer? // Caroline Monk

  • by chris

Caroline Monk from Beever and Struthers tells her business heroes and the first restaurant she will visit post lockdown.