A week in America | 9 February 2024
From his perch in the US, Martin looks at the current political ding-dong back in the UK – and can’t help but share a few words of US advice…

What took Labour so long?
In his blog, Jim weighs up the different factors that have lead Labour to ditch their £28bn green energy promise. He also looks at the rise of the right in the Tory Party.

Who would want to be an MP?
As another MP announces that he is quitting parliament – this time due to death threats – Frank Mckenna says we need to start to value our parliamentarians once again.

A week in America | 2 February 2024
This week Martin looks at the raft of economic data being shared about the US economy and wonders what it all means…

Downtown take on councils’ crisis
MPs say the Town Hall financial crisis is out of control. Jim reports on that, and a Downtown event which shows that councils and business increasingly want to work together for regeneration.

A week in America | 26 January 2024
This week Martin and millions of other Americans prepare to pay their taxes… some will be in for a nasty surprise…

Will Sunak survive until the General Election?
How much trouble is Rishi Sunak in? Could the Tories really give us our fourth prime minister in two years?

Tax cuts or better services?
Do people want tax cuts or better public services? That may be a big issue at the election, but perhaps not, as Jim explains in his blog. He also pays tribute to Tony Lloyd and reports on the choice of his successor in Rochdale.

A week in America | 19 January 2024
As politics takes centre stage in America, Martin takes a sideways glance at the characters and storylines shaping the US Presidential Election…

History not on Labour’s side
Is Sir Keir Starmer heading for a landslide or will the General Election be a close run thing? Jim reports on two major surveys this week that reached very different conclusions.

Post haste
Jim is unimpressed with the sudden urgency ministers are applying to decades of post office injustice. He also looks ahead to a year of elections.