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First Downtown in Business Event

Paul James, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Red Rock Communications discusses his first experience of a DIB event. As someone who has described themselves as ‘not a fan’ of networking how did he find it?


Starmer on course to win for Labour?

Frank McKenna looks ahead to the Labour Party conference that takes place in Liverpool next week – and suggests that Keir Starmer has a long way to go if he is to become PM, despite the seismic challenges the country and the government is facing.


Giant Growth Gamble

As the government moves at last to protect business from the worst of the energy crisis, Jim looks at the more controversial aspects of Liz Truss’ economic measures. As Labour meets in Liverpool he also asks what do they do now?


Wither The Union and Commonwealth?

The new king has just completed his tour of the four nations that make up the United Kingdom. But will the union survive the new reign? Jim asks the question and looks at the role the late Queen played in holding the Commonwealth together.


Would The Queen be amused by the reaction to her passing?

There have been some fitting tributes to the Queen who served the country so well for 70 years. But are decisions that further damage the economy, a virtual news blackout, and the cancellation of hospital appointments things that she would have supported? Frank McKenna’s latest blog…


It’s diverse, but will it work?

Jim presents his comprehensive view on the new government appointments. He believes Liz Truss must be given a chance, but worries that levelling up the North is going to be overwhelmed by the energy crisis.