Master of all he surveys – for now
This week Frank McKenna reflects on Boris Johnson’s early weeks in power – and questions the legitimacy of Manchester City Football Club’s European ban.
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This week Frank McKenna reflects on Boris Johnson’s early weeks in power – and questions the legitimacy of Manchester City Football Club’s European ban.
Mayoral selections and the leadership contest suggests that Labour has finally realised the futility of Fantasy Island politics according to Downtown boss Frank McKenna.
Frank Mckenna calls on the government to prioritise infrastructure spend to get the UK economy moving in his lates Downtown blog.
Downtown boss Frank McKenna isn’t impressed by talk of the House of Lords moving North. He tells us why in is latest blog.
This week Frank McKenna suggests that the election of Rebecca Long-Bailey as leader will kill the Labour Party.
In his first blog of the new decade, Downtown boss Frank McKenna glances back at a tumultuous ten years and attempts some tentative crystal ball gazing for the next ten years.
This week Frank McKenna reflects on the Labour Party’s decade of decline – and warns that only a change of direction can save it from oblivion over the next ten years.
Frank McKenna pays tribute to the Labour Party’s huge contribution to Boris Johnson’s landslide General Election victory in his post-election blog.
The more likely a Tory victory becomes, the more chance Labour has of winning back voters who have deserted them in Leave seats, so argues Downtown boss Frank McKenna in his latest blog. He also slams the BBCs election campaign coverage.
Frank McKenna reflects on a sense of humour by-pass caused by an increasingly fractured UK democracy and explains why the General Election has become an ‘Unpopularity Contest’ in his latest Downtown blog.
This week Frank McKenna reflects on an inauspicious start to the election campaign for both main parties; comments on the Manifesto for the North; and offers support for a Conservative politician in Birmingham.
“A December General Election is about as welcome as a hedgehog in a nudist colony” – Downtown boss Frank McKenna blogs about the forthcoming poll.