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DIB host business gym event to discuss culture, values and people

Downtown Liverpool recently hosted our 'Culture, Values, People' event in association with Glenville Walker and Partners and High Performance Consultancy at the outstanding Restaurant Bar and Grill.

For the first of our series of Business Gym events, which are intended to help keep your business fit and in tip-top shape, we were delighted to be joined by Hazel Walker, CEO of Glenville Walker and Partners, and Victoria Brown, Managing Director of High Performance Consultancy and OneHR.

Both speakers reflected on their business culture and shared how they managed to communicate and engage throughout the pandemic. Employee retention and recruitment were also key topics of conversation as the pandemic has caused a huge shift for both employers and employees. It was fantastic to hear business leaders from various sectors share their pandemic and post-pandemic experiences, the impact of working from home and how to encourage people back into the office.

Read our guest blog about this event by Beth Locke from Liverpool BID Company HERE.

We would like to thank Glenville Walker and Partners and High Performance Consultancy for sponsoring this event and thank you to Restaurant Bar and Grill for their hospitality.

To view and register for our upcoming events, visit our events calendar page.

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Downtown in Business