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Active Travel Bike Summit Event

Join Liverpool BID Company for their Active Travel Bike Event on Tuesday 24 May.

Active Travel Summit Bike Event

When: Tuesday 24 May 2022, 8am – 3pm

Where: Exchange Flags

Liverpool BID Company are super excited to be running a one-day Active Travel Summit Bike Event in Liverpool City Centre.

Bring your own bike along to get fixed by DR Bike or learn to fix with one of their bike mechanics, learn to ride with bikes provided at the Bikeability area or test ride some demo e-bikes and secure your bike by getting it registered on the BikeRegister.

What is the Active Travel Bike Event?

The Active Travel Summit Bike Event is all about helping everyone and anyone to begin or return to cycling through a series of FREE activities and services, delivered by organisations who are part of the community and address local needs.

With a vision to make cycling accessible to everyone, their mission is to deliver tools that enable members of the community to start cycling through fixing bikes, teaching skills and leading rides.

The event is organised by Liverpool BID Company, supported by local authorities and together we address a clear set of aims and objectives:

• Encourage people who don’t already, to cycle
• Encourage people to cycle more often
• Improve people’s confidence to cycle
• Improve the perception of cycle safety
• Increase short cycling journeys
• Encourage the use of cycling as a mode of transport

FIX – Fixing Bikes – fixing bikes locally to ensure people have the OPPORTUNITY to cycle.

LEARN – Teaching Skills – Teaching skills to ensure that people have the CAPABILITY to cycle.

RIDE – Leading Rides – social rides to ensure people have the MOTIVATION to cycle.

You will also be able to take part in free led bike rides and ride leader training fwhich can be booked here:

Downtown in Business

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The Managing Director of Birmingham City Council Joanne Roney, and the chief executive of Coventry City Council, Dr Julie Nugent, will be among the speakers at a special lunchtime event Downtown in Business is hosting, in association with Bruntwood SciTech, at international property conference MIPIM in Cannes next month.

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