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The Downtown Den Politics Podcast | EP. 26 | 8th April 2024

Kevin Johnson from Urban Comms joins Frank McKenna for the latest podcast, discussing Birmingham, Andy Street, William Wragg and Angela Rayner.

Birmingham City Council went bust last year. The government commissioners are in, and they have announced a 9-point improvement plan. We’ll be looking at that, and reflecting on some of the personalities who have been part of the collateral damage, as one of the biggest local authorities in Europe fell foul of new equal rights legislation, austerity- and no doubt some mismanagement too.

Elsewhere in the West Midlands Andy Street seems to be fighting to retain his mayority by disassociating himself from the Tory party- is the tactic working?

William Wragg and Angela Rayner – now there’s two names in ever thought I’d be uttering in the same sentence. However, both have found themselves in a bit of trouble this week. Can they survive their respective controversies. And, Easter break or not, the polls kept coming- and the results were more fair trade chocolate than cadburys for Rishi Sunak. Welcome to the Downtown Den politics podcast.

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