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Tweets of the Week | 19.07.2019

  • by chris

Here is a selection of our favourite tweets from the past 7 days. This week’s tweets feature @afootballman, @declan_wwc, @dib_markj, @dib_adamheard, @paulycorc, @ProcurePF, @vbrownhpc and @shapetweets.

Downtown forum discusses Birmingham’s Clean Air Zone

  • by chris

Downtown in Business Birmingham hosted an exclusive event on the Clean Air Zone on 11th July. The event discussed how we can design our cities and road structures to allow for the transportation infrastructure and develop the cities of the future.

What May have been

  • by chris

This week Jim reviews the May Premiership and concludes she was the wrong personaility but mightily let down by her MPs. He also wonders how she will vote on brexit from the backbenches.