Carringtons Catering steps up to the plat at Cheshire’s Walton Hall and Gardens
Carringtons Catering has been named as the official new caterer at Cheshire’s Walton Hall and Gardens.
Carringtons Catering has been named as the official new caterer at Cheshire’s Walton Hall and Gardens.
Liverpool BID Company has announced a series of events throughout 2019 that will throw the spotlight on some of the city’s most loved streets showcasing Liverpool at its best.
UVB delivers all aspects of a great conference for The PA Forum.
A leading solicitor has criticised Liverpool City Council’s decision to hold a public consultation into renewing its Landlord Licensing scheme for a further five years as the ‘persecution’ of innocent landlords.
Love is in the air as Frank McKenna puts the politics on hold for a week to reflect on what he has ‘loved’ so far about 2019.
This week Jim asks whether two major investment projects have a future, HS2 and fracking for gas in Lancashire. He also casts doubt on nuclear power investment as the government seems to be relying on ever cheaper renewable resources
Downtown Manchester hosted an exclusive dinner with Greater Manchester’s first ‘night tsar’ Sacha Lord. Sacha attended the Malmaison wearing his night-time economy hat where he spoke openly about some of the challenges Greater Manchester has which included transport, safety for night time workers and the success of the first ‘Safety Zone’ to name a few.
If you are looking for a space to host your next event and require a spacious yet private setting look no further than the fantastic Private Dining Rooms at Bank Birmingham.
Dougal Paver, managing director of Merrion Strategy discusses the recent “talking ’bout regeneration” dinner hosted by Downtown Liverpool on Tuesday 12th February 2019.
As we approach March and the UK government steps up preparations for a no-deal Brexit, many businesses engaged with international trade will be concerned about the potential impact this could have on the British Pound.
February is the month of love, here’s hoping you love this months edition of DM – The Downtown Monthly.