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We are delighted that Avrenim are our latest Business of the Week. Avrenim is your full-service partner for facilities, energy and construction.

Avrenim is your full-service partner for facilities, energy and construction. Established in 2018, Avrenim was set up to initially control three specialist areas of service delivery, facilities management, projects and refurbishments, consultancy and advice and later restructured to concentrate on consultancy services and design, project delivery, facilities management and energy services, with a 24/7 helpdesk for customer queries.

Avrenim engages and works closely with clients to develop a clear understanding of their business needs and as a result, develop solutions that align with their strategic goals. Not only do we offer a relentlessly high standard of service, but we also do it responsibly, with our values of safety, quality, value and transparency upheld in everything we do. Through this marriage of exemplary service and strong values, Avrenim has developed a reputation as a highly sought-after partner.

Downtown in Business


We are delighted that HybridTec are our Business of the Month for December 2024. HybridTec train Gas engineers, Electricians and Plumbers. They provide training to both existing trades people as well as those who wish to start a new career in these industries.

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