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Laying down friends for his life

Jim looks forward to how the Prime Minister will handle the Gray Report and probably survive. He also asks if Bury South Labour Party will be free to decide if defector Christian Wakeford represents them at the next election


A week in America | 21 January 2022

This week Martin Liptrot discusses housing in America’s cities and the curious case of Affordable New York, a housing program which facilitates apartments which cost $250million each…


County Outlook – Lancashire

As 2022 gets underway, the Downtown in Business team look at the political outlook and its potential impact on the business and the economy in the forthcoming year in Lancashire.


Can Lancs have cake and eat it?

The defection of the Bury South MP to Labour has only served to prop up Boris Johnson according to Jim. But his blog this week focuses on Lancashire’s unusual bid for devolution and the challenge faced by small businesses by Greater Manchester’s Clean Air Zone.