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A is for Action

MD Productions are on a fundraising campaign to save their community project Blank Canvas due to the loss of sponsorship.

MD Productions has a vested interest in making a positive impact within the community which is the reason behind Blank Canvas CIC, this is a free provision for 5-24 year olds to access across the Liverpool City Region with a wraparound support system available for the whole household to access. MD identified a need for a free community provision when first setting up the company back in 2001 after seeing how people used performing arts and creativity as a form to release and escape. With an ethos of making change, instilling confidence, building communication skills and creating a safe space for people to dream, believe and achieve they help to identify and remove some of the barriers that stand in people’s way.

The project takes people on a creative journey from a ‘Blank Canvas to Performance Ready, for life, for work, for stage’ as performing arts is not just about the stage, it’s recognising that every part of the creative journey as an enhancement to life skills. The free provision currently allows access for 200 people, captivating and engaging young people whilst enhancing their life opportunities and getting them ready for education, training or employability by offering a range of classes in performing arts, creativity, cookery, hairdressing, make-up, DJ’ing, fitness and more all whilst upskilling and instilling family values.

MD Productions have been working in and giving to the community for the last 18 years, with the rapid growth and to meet the need of the project, due to the loss of a sponsor they are currently on a fundraising campaign for Blank Canvas CIC to be able to continue the work that they do at the level required, and are now asking for the support back. All funds raised will go towards developing the key work support system, running and staff costs, covering overheads and materials as well as being able to capacity build allowing more people to access the free provision and to grow the outreach and community engagement, whilst offering full wraparound care to those who may need additional support.

They will be holding their first Blank Canvas Gala Dinner on Saturday 29th September at the Hilton Hotel, Liverpool City Centre which will be hosted by Radio City 2’s very own Claire Simmo. With a drinks reception on arrival, there will be a delicious 3 course meal to enjoy whilst watching a variety of performances as the room changes from a Blank Canvas to a a masterpiece of colour, as well as a live auction on the night. Tickets are available to purchase from MD Productions for £60 per person or £600 for a table of 10.

Alongside the Blank Canvas Gala Dinner MD Productions staff team, parents and young people have created a range of fund raising activities that will be hosted up to December for everyone to be involved in as well as a selection of sponsor packages. If you would like to become involved in, support or sponsor MD CIC fundraising campaign for the Blank Canvas Project you can contact them via

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