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At last, manifestos! But few takers

People want better services, but the manifestos are obsessed with caution or cutting taxes says Jim in his latest blog. He also reflects on business giving a thumbs down to the right wing lurch in Europe.


The elephant in the room

Its time for our political leaders to have an honest conversation with us about the UKs future relationship with the European Union, according to Downtown boss Frank McKenna.


What to make of the Windsor soup?

Jim comments on the many political consequences that may flow from the Windsor Agreement. Closer ties to Europe, intense pressure on the Democratic Unionists and a boost for the PM.


Brexit isn’t working

A litany of facts prove that leaving the EU was a mistake. But are British politicians ready to accept the fact that they need to have an open and honest conversation with the electorate about the need for a more pragmatic approach to be adopted towards our European neighbours?


Awkward time to be Pro EU

For once Jim is in critical mood about the European Union, but stresses the need to maintain good relations with the bloc despite their poor handling of the Covid crisis


Here’s to the next 10 years

In his first blog of the new decade, Downtown boss Frank McKenna glances back at a tumultuous ten years and attempts some tentative crystal ball gazing for the next ten years.


The destabilising decade

In his last blog of the year, Jim looks back on the most turbulent decade ever in British politics. It began with Gordon Brown determined to make Labour the natural party of power and ended with it looking unlikely they will ever be in power again.