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October 20, 2021

Andy Street in Conversation with DIB

  • by chris

Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands, joined Downtown members for an exclusive lunch at Fazenda. Conversation ranged across Mr Street’s re-election earlier this year, Levelling Up, COVID recovery and the forthcoming budget.

Cutting up PM’s credit card

  • by chris

After Business Bashing Boris,the Chancellor is likely to be more supportive of bosses in next week’s Budget according to Jim as he previews what we can expect from Rishi Sunak on Wednesday.

No more lockdowns please

  • by chris

People need to seriously look at the wider implications of lockdowns before campaigning for another period of uber restrictions, argues Frank McKenna in his latest Downtown blog.

A week in America | 21 October 2021

  • by chris

After a quick visit across the pond, Martin Liptrot discusses the U.S. and UK’s differing solutions to the climate change problem. Is Boris’ ‘Heat Pumps’ plan the solution?