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By Frank McKenna

By Frank McKenna


Downtown in Business hosted its annual ‘Inspiration Fest’ ‘Limitless’ recently, where three successful entrepreneurs tell an audience of business leaders, warts and all, what it takes to make it in the challenging world of commerce.

Previous contributors to ‘Limitless’ have included digital genius Jon Cornor, Property millionaire Andrew Rosenfeld (now sadly passed away), Restauranteur Nisha Katona and Steve Morgan from property giant Redrow.

This years’ remarkable ‘Limitless’ panel were Liverpool digital entrepreneur turned Angel Investor Ben Hatton, Birmingham marketer and best- selling author Craig McVoy and one of the powers behind the global brand that is Moneypenny, Rachel Clacher.

They all described their very interesting, and very different, business career journey’s, and even as someone who has been a company owner for nearly twenty years I took a lot away from what was a fascinating ninety-minute discussion.

Three key points among many that are worth reflecting on what next for your company.

  1. Stand out from the crowd. Nowadays, the diverse range of media platforms available to all of us means that you can really make a mark by doing something a bit different. Craig used the example of the Dollar shave club who introduced a simple, yet revolutionary way of selling razor blades online. What can your business do to make your offer eye catching in an increasingly noisy market place?
  2. Start with the why. Why are you doing what you do? Rachel reminded us that Moneypenny started because her brother was on holiday, and because his fax machine ran out of paper back home, he lost a big contract. The solution, virtual office support, led them to establishing what has become the biggest player in its space. It wasn’t ever about the money, she said, it was and still is about the service.
  3. Specialise, stick at what you are exceptional at. Ben Hatton sold his company Rippleffect ten years ago for £6 million. He built a business that would develop the very best websites in the country. Despite being offered opportunities to diversify into marketing and PR, he refused the short-term financial gain, for the longer-term return – and it paid dividends.

Of course, there was loads more great tips besides, as those who managed to attend the event will testify. If you missed it, look out for Limitless 2019. It will soon be here!

Downtown in Business

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