An afternoon with Hawksmoor & Aston Martin
Downtown in Business event manager, Beth McKenna, was recently invited to an exclusive test drive and dining experience with Hawskmoor Liverpool and Aston Martin.
Downtown in Business event manager, Beth McKenna, was recently invited to an exclusive test drive and dining experience with Hawskmoor Liverpool and Aston Martin.
Downtown Event Manager, Seanan McSheffrey reflects on organising the Women in Business Awards 2022 and some of the female business leaders who have inspired her.
After a fantastic start to 2022 Downtown’s KJ Clarke looks at what the rest of the year holds for Downtown in Birmingham.
Downtown’s Head of Communications Chris Wilcox reflects on a superb day at the Tennis and just enjoys being out and about again.
This week, Chris McKenna reflects on the past few months and his delight at visiting the core cities DiB operate and getting back to live events.
In this weeks staff blog, Downtowns Abby Goldie talks about this weeks reopening of hospitality.
Downtowns own Sales Executive, KJ Clarke shares her own experiences to highlight the importance of Mental Health Awareness Week.
Downtown’s Sales Executive, Lauren English gives us her lowdown on TikTok and how it kept her sane throughout 2020.
Downtown Director, Chris McKenna on why a globally co-ordinated vaccine strategy is needed to help everyone return to pre-pandemic days.
Downtown’s Head of Communications, Chris Wilcox, welcomes the latest edition to the DIB family and pleads for advice on dog walking.
In this weeks Staff Blog, we hear from Downtown’s own Marketing Coordinator, Sophie Rooney, looking back at spending her first year at Downtown in lockdown.