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Business Minister addresses DIB Members

The minister for small business, Paul Scully MP, was the guest speaker at an exclusive Downtown in Business London event recently.

The minister for small business, Paul Scully MP, was the guest speaker at an exclusive Downtown in Business London event earlier this week.

The minister addressed a wide range of issues including the skills gap and the challenges business is facing around recruitment, employment law legislation, changes to tax, including R&D tax credits and entrepreneurs’ relief, devolution, levelling up, and business support.

Mr Scully, who is also minister for London, said: “I am a traditional Conservative, and the level of government intervention we have seen in recent times is not something I would have ever thought you would see from us. However, we needed to provide businesses with support during COVID and it was the right thing to do.

“Now we need to try and get back to the position where the government is an enabler for business growth, and less interventionist, but I am conscious of the challenges business is facing, and we will continue to do what we can to help.”

Among those companies in attendance were Bruntwood, Cassidy & Ashton, Catax, Causeway Technology, Conduent, Glenville Walker solicitors, Microsoft, Sutcliffe, and William James Recruitment. 

Sean Keyes, Managing Director at Sutcliffe, commented that “Paul Scully found time to give a non-political talk on business needs. We discussed the construction industry training, apprenticeships and kickstarters. Sutcliffe gave an engineer’s perspective.”

We would like to thank M Restaurants for their hospitality.

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